Tuesday, 13 December 2022

You come from Jordan. What is Jordan for you?

To me Jordan is family. All my family is there. Whenever I think of Jordan, I think of my family. Jordan is my home and it also feels like that.

Do you miss your family?

Yes, I miss my family. The most of all I miss my sister Eman.

How is it studying in Slovenia?

I find myself getting along quite easily with people here in Slovenia. I actually get along more with people here than with people in Jordan. That is quite surprising.

Why do you think it is like that?

The people I met here have a close nature to mine. I am not a social person most of the time but here I feel more myself in interaction with others. Here I feel more in contact with myself, and I get to know more about who I am. That is a bonus!

You are 22 years old now. Is this your first-time travelling alone?

Yes it is. And I am doing pretty well.

Are you proud of yourself?

A lot! Really!

By talking to you, I know you had a vision before coming to Slovenia of working with a photographer in a photo studio. Can you talk about it?

It was a vision I had, it just came to my mind. I was thinking that I am going to Slovenia on a student exchange program and it just came to my mind that I am going to make a photo session with a photographer in a photo studio. For no reason this popped in my mind. I had no idea why. It was not in my dream being a model. It is not one of my goals.

And so it happened. You came to my studio. What do you think when you see yourself in the photos?

Thanks to you first of all. The photos are so pretty, specially the close ups. It was more important for me the experience then getting the pictures at the end. I really wanted to fulfill my vision.

I think you have a natural talent. You kept the attention during the photo session and you have a natural rhythm for photo shooting. How was the experience of the photo session with me?

It was very nice. You know what you are doing. You have an artist’s vision.

Thank you. Did your thinking about being a photo model change in any way after the photo shooting?

I like the process, but I am an introvert person. Sometimes I like to be in the center of attention, sometimes not. I have mixed feelings. I would love to be a photo model but not all the time. I like to push and pull at the same time. That is how I am most comfortable most of the time. That is just how I am.

What will you do with the photos?

I also paint so maybe I will use them to make a painting of myself.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

That is a difficult question. I would love to have a career as a visual designer and artist in Europe. I would love to live in Slovenia.

What would you tell the world if everybody could hear you now?

I used to think being alone is the best thing but it is not the case all the time. It is not always about being successful in one’s career. It is about the people you surround yourself with. They make your experience more special. Also make space for yourself, if you have a good relationship with yourself it makes everything ten times better.


Ali the poet


Lavan the wise