Monday, 9 January 2023

Abdu, where do you see yourself in five years?

I see myself in five years to be a famous person. I believe in myself.

What kind of famous person would you like to be?

I know how to dance. I dance at home many times. I watch dancing videos all the time. I have a wish to start step by step my learning process and I think in five years I can be famous dancer in Slovenia.

You said you believed in yourself. How long have you been away from Senegal?

4 years.

Did your decision to leave Senegal and come to Europe have anything to do with your belief in yourself?

Yes. This decision was made because I believed in myself. I will never forget the road to Europe. It was a hard road.

Why did you leave Senegal?

It is hard to explain. In Senegal we have a lot people that go to Europe. When they come back, they have a good house, a good life. They have been working some years in Europe, and their life has changed. So I said to myself, why not?! I will go to check and see what will happen with me in Europe. I came to Europe also to get a good experience, to meet new people and to change my life.

Can you tell me, when was the hardest moment for you in these last four years?

(Pauses and thinks for some time.) Coming here I traveled through Iran. There was cold and snowing at that time. I was staying outside for three days. Also, in Greece I stayed in the island Samos for nine months, and I slept in a tent. The camp was a mess. I could not shower regularly and eat normal food. These were hard times I will never forget. What kept me going on was the hope for a better life for me in the future. That kept me strong. I said to the challenges and hard times: Why not?!

If I understood you correctly, the harder the road was, the stronger you felt?

Yes. I felt strong.

Who is your biggest supporter in your life?


Who is your God?


How do you talk with God?

I feel him, I can not really say. On my road to Europe I heard of people dying and I heard of people who traveled safe. When I do not know what to do, God shows me the good way. And I know if I go that way, everything will be fine.

Is all your family of Muslim religion?


Who do you miss most of your family?

Woah! I miss all of them, really. I really miss my family so much. I think about them a lot. Sometimes I feel I have two minds. One is in Senegal, and one is in Europe. I miss them so much. Maybe one day I can see them.

Do you have friends here in Slovenia?

You are my friend Gregor.

I am your friend.

Yes. You are my friend. When I see you, I get a good feeling. You are twice as much older than me but when we do things together I have the feeling we are the same age. You come down to my position, you talk with me about life and you advise me. I also have a best friend by the name Munir. He lives in Postojna, 50 km from Ljubljana.

What do you think about the photos we did together?

They are amazing. I have never been in Germany in my life, but my picture went there. My portrait was hanging in a Berlin gallery few months ago. I liked the photo shooting. It was fun, we were dancing, feeling good.

Abdu what is love?

Love is what you feel.

What kind of feeling is love?

In my experience you have two feelings of love. One love is between you and a woman. It is hard to explain, but it is nice. The other love is the one you feel for your family and your friends. The love you feel for your family and the love you feel for your friends is not the same.

Your family will read your interview on this webpage. They will see your pictures and will read your answers. What do you want to say to them?

I love them so much. They are my first power in my life.


brave Najma